Service Designer, frog
Zuzana Peskova is Service Designer at frog, a global leading design consultancy and innovation strategy firm. She believes that building solutions around a holistic understanding of people, behaviours, and the systems they exist in - can bring value to both users and businesses.
By finding herself in fast-paced environments, discovering different cultures, and collaborating with people that have different perspectives, she creates a deep understanding of how to create product and service propositions that satisfy customers and drive opportunities for innovation. She is passionate about design in healthcare, designing across channels, to ensure consistent and rational solutions - both from the point of view of the user, as well as the client. Always striving for in-field-research, as a way of revealing insights and opportunity areas, in which we can partner with clients to discover and co-create innovative outcomes.
She holds a Master in European Design (MEDes), a unique degree program composed by a network of seven leading design school in Europe.
Event role
Masterclass leader
'Healthcare twister: finding the sweet spot to enable service innovation'
Are pharma companies always focused on selling pills? Is the technology partner always the one who provides innovation? Are private healthcare services always faster and more efficient than public ones? Many healthcare organisations, regardless of their role in the care ecosystem, have started to value design as a key driver of innovation. When this awareness reaches a significant level, strategic designers enter the (board) room... more>
Friday, June 14th 14:45
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