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Naman Mathur has been working at Uber for over three years now. He currently works with Uber's payments and fintech team to help build and deliver products for millions of gig economy workers and Uber users worldwide. Prior to that, Naman worked with Uber's emerging markets team in Bangalore, where he co-defined a vision for a more inclusive company, an Uber for everyone and everywhere. This unlocked the next wave of millions of riders in emerging markets like Brazil, Mexico, the Middle East, and Africa. He also led foundational and practical research for Uber Lite and Uber on Web. These projects created a playbook unique to Uber to define more inclusive digital products. Naman has helped build a strong voice and empathy for consumers in these markets.

Naman has experience working with myriad digital products. His passion lies between human nature and the power of technology. He is a believer in the power of tech and an avid student of it. With a total experience of more than 7 years covering varied research topics and user segments, he has worked on various research projects using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Educating and mentoring a new generation of inclusive design researchers completes his passion for learning. Throughout his career, he has shared his learnings far and wide, mentoring junior team members and educating seniors about their blind spots.

Event role

Case talk
'Designing for uncertainty'

Uncertainty in the design process is a common situation in which designers - and users - are making decisions that they are unsure of regarding the (degree of) fulfilment of their goals. Therefore, we need to develop ways that handle and reduce our design uncertainty in order to choose the best action to prevent unpleasant experiences of our (re)designed service, or worse, not really solving people's problems.

Uncertainty is everywhere. For instance, looking at a larger scale, many of our solutions cannot change a whole system or solve a systemic problem, like climate change or poverty. They behave like acupuncture, being small interventions with a positive impact, often surrounded by the uncertainty of how the connected dots in the system will respond. We make educated assumptions when we think about the future, but the world has been faced with drastic change lately. Old assumptions no longer hold true as organisations scramble to make sense of their current situation and wonder what lies around the corner. So, what about decisions on the future direction of a product or service, let alone the entire organisation?

In this case talk, Naman will compile several real-life case studies of how a design and research lead overcomes uncertainty. He will not only talk about uncertainty in his research work but also, on a more meta-level, in his role as a leading designer, including uncertainty in direction, timelines, the uncertainty of available data, and how to engage with stakeholders in uncertain times.

Would you like to deal with and learn to overcome some uncertainties? Be prepared for a highly interactive session. And come out with insights and tips.

Saturday, September 18, 12:30

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