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Pelin Gültekin is a multi-disciplinary designer-researcher with profound expertise in creative participatory processes and enabling insight generation for designing products, services and systems. Her research focus for her PhD studies is on value creation in innovation networks by applying a design-driven approach to address societal problems. She developed the Value Design Framework to guide design practice by integrating business modelling into design concepting processes. The Value Design Method was exhibited at the Dutch Design Week.

Having worked both in academia and practice, she blends her knowledge in theory and methods in guiding design practice. For 15 years, she took on research and design responsibilities in R&D projects for home appliances, automotive and healthcare products. She has also lectured and led workshops on user research, UX design and design collaboration in various academic institutions and organisations in multiple countries, including Turkey, Sweden, Italy and The Netherlands.

Currently, she is a usability designer at Philips Experience Design, where she is involved in developing healthcare products and software design.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Designing for social innovation – Value Design Framework'

As humans, we face societal problems at various levels. These problems are complex, multifaceted, and usually require the collaboration of multiple stakeholders to generate solutions. It is increasingly recognised that the design profession can provide problem-solving approaches and thinking styles suitable for dealing with ill-structured problems and solution-finding... more >

Friday, September 17, 15:00

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