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Phil Balagtas is a design leader who has been a practising designer for over 20 years. He has experience working across a variety of devices and platforms for nonprofit, retail, advertising, and enterprise software organisations. Within the last decade, he served as Design Director at General Electric’s Digital Aviation group and as Experience Design Director at McKinsey & Company, working across industries to transform and enhance their digital businesses and strategies.

Phil is also an experienced practitioner in foresight and speculative design and the founder of the Design Futures Initiative, a nonprofit dedicated to the advancement and education of futures thinking. Today, he is a visiting design professor at Tecnológico de Monterey in Mexico City and leads his own futures consulting practice called Habitat, training organisations on futures thinking and leading teams on strategic initiatives.

Event role
Track leader

Designing for what’s next'

Maintaining a focus on the long run, rather than getting bogged down in short-term thinking, means having a perspective that looks beyond the immediate future to consider the potential outcomes and consequences of decisions and actions over an extended period. It involves prioritising goals and objectives that are important and meaningful in the long term and working towards them deliberately and consistently. By staying true to their organisation's vision and mission and taking a proactive, strategic approach to change, design leaders can help ensure that their organisation remains relevant and resilient in the face of disruption and uncertainty. This track focuses on long-range, big-picture thinking and how to move teams and organisations into the exciting unknown.

Friday, September 15, 14:30 - 18:00

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