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As Senior Data Science Consultant and Quantum Ambassador at IBM, Rossy Nhung Nguyen works with design at the heart of AI-augmented solutions. She has advised various industry clients, including those in the banking, insurance, and energy utility sectors, on their journey towards AI-powered cloud computing.

Specialising in AI solutions design and transformation, Rossy is committed to helping clients navigate the complexity of advanced analytics, emphasising responsible tech and explainable AI design. She believes that understanding how analytical solutions work is essential to fostering trust and confidence to embed these solutions in the decision-making process.

Next to her current role, Rossy is an IBM Quantum Ambassador, advocating for adopting this radical technology while contributing to Quantum Computing communities. As a member of the Energy & Utility tiger team, Rossy helps to enable clients to navigate the current quantum computing landscape to unlock their quantum potential.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Design for fairness in AI'

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging field that unleashes massive new (business) opportunities. The potential growth and broad application of AI technology have great economic benefits, however, also severe societal implications. With AI increasingly impacting our lives, questions of values and ethics are becoming more urgent, as AI systems can be negatively biased and their decision processes non-transparent. To make AI systems more ethical, abstract concepts such as fairness and values need to find their way into the fast and agile development of AI... more >

Saturday, September 18, 15:00

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