Professor of Design, Politecnico di Milano
PhD in Design, Daniela Sangiorgi is associate professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano. She has been one of the first scholars investigating the area of Service Design, with one of the first PhDs in the field. She worked for eight years for the research group Imagination at Lancaster University while co-authoring one of the first academic books on service design: 'Design for Services'.
Her research theme is the role of design for service innovations, with a particular focus on the public sector. Recently, she has been researching the specific field of mental healthcare, exploring the growing complexity of long-term transformational projects. She has published extensively in main Design and Service Research journals, and besides 'Design for Services' also co-edited another service design book 'Emerging issues in service design'. She has been working with local manufacturing SMEs and multinational organisations exploring scenarios, competences and tools for their development into service solution providers.
Daniela has taught service design at MA level in the UK, Italy, Brazil, Germany, Sweden, India and South Korea. Currently, she is the head of the Product Service System Design Master program at the Design School of Politecnico di Milano, and a member of the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) and a committee member of the Service Design and Innovation conference (ServDes).
Event role
'New lenses for short-sighted service designers'
While design is about imagining better futures, the lenses designers have been wearing for their creative work, are now under scrutiny. There is a wide and growing debate on which new perspectives and approaches could help designers to reflect and recognise some of their own biases and constraints. We need new lenses for short-sighted designers.
This lecture is using research projects on mental healthcare as a background to reflect on some of these lenses and how they could inform the developing of service design practices. These lenses are ‘multiplicity', ‘equity' and ‘emergence’... more >
Friday, September 16, 16:30
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