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United States

Senior Interaction Designer & Sprintmaster, Google

Burgan Shealy is a Senior Interaction Designer on the Corporate Engineering team at Google. In this role, she focuses on tools to make Googlers happier and more productive. She also leads the the first team at Google working full-time on design sprints, including methodology innovation and measurement, seeking to drive an innovative, user-centered approach to product visioning and team collaboration and empower teams to think differently and deliver impactful solutions. She is passionate about spreading design sprint methodologies to the broader UX community and believes that human-centered design thinking can change the world for the better.

Prior to Google, she worked at IBM, where she took on design challenges in health, government, energy and retail. She also spent time working for a non-profit based in Gulu, Uganda. Burgan earned a master's of science in international development from New York University and a bachelor's degree in graphic design from UGA.

Event role
Masterclass leader


'How to solve big problems and test new ideas quickly'

Deep dive into the specific processes and exercises Googlers use to create better products and services faster and more efficiently... more >

Friday, October 6th, 14:30 pm

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