United States
Founder, School of Emotions
Dan Newby is the founder and leader of School of Emotions, working with partners worldwide to elevate emotional literacy, and offering courses for coaches, leaders, and parents to build a foundational understanding of emotions.
Dan is driven by his personal experience of the impact emotional literacy and learning can have as well as its profound importance in professional activities. All human beings are emotional beings which makes emotional mastery an essential competence for anyone working to improve services and collaboration.
He is the author of ‘The Unopened Gift: A Primer in Emotional Literacy’ and ‘The Field Guide to Emotions’ as well as co-creator of Emoli™ Emotion Cards, a tool for facilitation and teaching emotional literacy. His background includes training as an educator and twenty years as an ontological coach. He has been CEO of Newfield Network, considered one of the premier coaching schools globally, and has been a business leader for many years.
Event role
Masterclass leader
'Understanding moods and emotions - Introduction to emotional literacy'
As a human-centered approach, we have learned that emotions drive consumer behaviour, consumer decision making, and customer loyalty. We also understand that emotions play an important role in co-creative group work and organisational change settings. Hence in the field of service design we find many direct references to human emotions. Some examples are 'empathising', creating 'customer delight', developing an 'emotional journey map' or even the use of mood-boards... more>
Friday, June 14th, 14:45
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