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Jon Rodriguez is Service Design Director at Philips. He is responsible for leading a global and diverse team of multidisciplinary service designers. The team supports the transformation of Philips towards integrated solutions (hardware, software & services) by delivering customer and market-driven solutions for healthcare institutions globally. He is responsible for scaling service design competence and partnering with businesses across Philips to mature, standardise and scale service offerings towards healthcare customers.

Fifteen years ago, Jon started at Philips as People Researcher, doing healthcare research activities in order to improve patient and clinicians experience. Later, as Senior UX Strategist, he continued pioneering and implementing the use of user experience research methodologies within the standard business processes of Philips, being involved in strategic design initiatives for Philips both in the consumer and healthcare domain. As one of Philips design leaders, he is growing transdisciplinary teams and helping individuals to be and deliver their best, nurturing a positive atmosphere of trust and collaboration while guiding their career development and personal growth.

Prior to these roles at Philips, Jon was Research Fellow at Microsoft Research. Jon holds a BA in design from Elisava school of Design and MSc on Integrated Product Design from TU Delft.

Event role
Case study speaker & masterclass leader

Case study
'Service design: how did we get here?'

The practice of service design has evolved in its impact and influence in organisations. Initially thinking ‘beyond the product’ has shifted into ‘experiences’, and further developed into designing end-to-end solutions that cover product, software and service combinations. This evolution has also brought increased complexities, especially in the delivery of those solutions, with different actors having to deliver their piece of the puzzle.

For organisations needing to deliver these complex end-to-end solutions, there is often a need to change the organisation that delivers those and service design as a practice has a role in this organisational transformation.

In this case study, Jon will share a retrospective view on how service design evolved in a multinational organisation, how it got scaled and embedded into development processes expanding its reach not only on its output but also on its influence within the organisation.

'Navigating complexity in organisational transformation'

There is a need for a systemic and customer-centric organisational transformation approach from short-term, transactional customer interactions to long-term customer partnerships. Transformation can be defined as a deliberate journey associated with profound and radical change. It positions an organisation to move in an entirely different direction and provides a new level of effectiveness to achieve breakthrough results. Transformation is not an event and is not incremental. But how to get started? And how to navigate complexity?... more

Friday, September 16, 12:30 (case study) & 15:00 (masterclass)

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