Patrick van der Pijl is CEO & Strategy Designer at Business Models Inc. and producer of the worldwide bestseller Business Model Generation, known from its Business Model Canvas, and Value Proposition Design, with the well-known Value Proposition Canvas. He has helped Boards of Directors, top leaders and innovation teams of more than 300 (international) organizations, like Toyota, Fujitsu, ING Bank, Microsoft and 3M, to innovate their business model and design a future strategy. He also specializes in large scale strategy projects.
Patrick inspires people and organizations with his approach and vision on strategy and innovation, and learns them to look at their business (model) from a different perspective. In his projects he uses tools, such as the Business Model Canvas, Vision Canvas, Context Canvas and Value Proposition Designer, and co-creation techniques to turn them around. Patrick is a keynote speaker and workshop leader at innovation events worldwide, where he is invited to talk about Designing your Future Business and New Tools for Strategy & Innovation.
Event role
Keynote speaker & masterclass leader
'Design a better business'
Design and business are two sides of the same gold medal. They can and must work together in order to create success. To help you with your innovation journey, Patrick will indicate how to use the Business Model Canvas, and use real-life examples from startups, incubators, and international companies to prove its success.
'Business Model Canvas, strategic masterclass'
Patrick will introduce the Business Model Canvas with new, equally visual and impactful tools for vision, ideation, decision making, prototyping, validation, and storytelling. In this interactive masterclass you will et to know Double Loop - integrating design, innovation, strategy and business in a single journey from the first spark of a new idea to the final steps of scaling a business. Practice the Double Loop, and get to know how to use design as a disciplined approach to search, identify and extract value, turning uncertainty into opportunity.
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