The Netherlands
Founding partner, Koos Service Design
Jules Prick has over ten years of international experience in the field of research, branding and service innovation. After working at a branding and innovation agency in Melbourne for three years, he co-founded Koos Service Design in Amsterdam in 2009. Since then, the company has grown into an international service design consultancy, with clients from England to Poland, and from Thailand to Russia.
Jules is following his passion to create meaningful services in service-oriented industries such as health, finance, government, and mobility. He has been working for clients like Coca-Cola, Akzo Nobel, Australian Post, Telstra, Aegon, ABN AMRO, KLM and Unilever.
Jules is the European expert on the morphological needs model and how it is applied best. At Nyenrode Business University Jules giving masterclasses in Service Design & Innovation, as a part of the Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Stewardship program. He is also the driving force behind the Koos Service Design Academy, making sure the service design virus is affecting more and more people and transforming companies. Jules holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering and a master’s degree in Strategic Product Design at TU Delft.
Event role
Masterclass leader
'Customer-centric transformation, the game'
More and more companies want to work with service design. Enthusiastically everyone starts creating journeys, comes up with great ideas and experiences the energy. But how do you make sure your beautiful journeys and fantastic ideas are actually implemented outside of the workshop rooms? In order to do so, we need to look further than just designing services. How can we build an organization that has the right capabilities, resources, metrics, culture, and organizational structure? ... more >
Friday, September 11, 16:30 - 19:30
Saturday, September 12, 13:00 - 15:30
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