Senior Lecturer, ELISAVA
Ariel Guersenzvaig is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at ELISAVA the Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, where he heads the MA by Research in Design and Communications.
He is a practising designer with 20 years of experience, working for brands like Iberia, Roca, CaixaBank and Desigual. He teaches and writes about design theory and methodology, service design, and the philosophy and ethics of design and technology. His current research focus is the ethical impact of robotics and machine intelligence on society. Ariel has lectured on the subject at global strategic design firms such as Fjord and Designit. He has published in academic journals such as AI & Society, Journal of Design Research, ACM Interactions and IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. He is currently writing a book on design professional ethics.
He has a PhD in design theory from the University of Southampton, an MA in ethics and philosophy of religion from the University of Birmingham, a Diploma of advanced studies in design research from the University of Barcelona, and a degree in publishing from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Event role
'The goods of design: towards professional ethics for designers'
Designers occupy a prominent role in how products, services or environments get from abstract idea to concretion. Despite its impact on society and on the world, and unlike medicine, journalism or law, the design profession lacks widespread ethical principles and frameworks for addressing ethical issues, let alone a robust professional ethics.
That ethical reflection must be a part of the design process is an uncontroversial conclusion that is widely shared by both designers and scholars. The question remains, however, how can ethics be integrated into professional practice. A frequent way of integrating it into a profession is by developing a code of ethics. Codes of ethics, however useful to prompt discussions, rarely go beyond generalities as preventing harms or respecting human rights... more >
Friday, September 11, 14:50 - 15:40
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