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Rebecca Price is a researcher and Assistant Professor of Transition Design and Senior Comenius Fellow at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Based in the Department of Design, Organisation and Strategy, she investigates and explores how design can advance sectors and industries to achieve broader socio-technical transitions. Rebecca is also an award-winning educator with research interests in student well-being and designer resilience.

Educated and trained as an industrial designer, Rebecca was quickly drawn to the strategic potential of design as a source of resilience which led her to pursued a PhD in design-led innovation at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Now at TU Delft, she works with public and private organisations to support the application of design on complex innovation challenges. While the predominant domain of her work to date has been mobility (aviation, automotive, urban transport), her methodological research, in particular, holds increasing value to fields related to public health and energy transitions that stem from a socio-technical perspective of the possibilities of design.

Rebecca holds a BDes (Industrial Design) and a Doctorate degree (Philosophy) from Queensland University of Technology. She lectures and coaches students on design strategy, innovation, socio-technical systems, transitions, and mobility.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Forging resilient designers'

Designers are celebrated for being highly adaptive and creative practitioners. After all, designers identify and solve problems continuously with whatever resources are available. This is the main reason why design has become a much sought after capability by organisations competing in saturated market places where legacy counts for nought. But there are inherent challenges within the design process that - when poorly managed - are misunderstood or unacknowledged, making design a particularly stressful activity... more >

Saturday, September 18, 15:00

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