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Russell Effio is Design Director at frog, a global design and strategy consultancy. He is an experienced design leader, building and leading international multidisciplinary teams that drive growth through design. Before joining frog, Russell was Partner and Creative Design Director at Habitant, solving business challenges in innovation and optimising products, services and digital experiences to grow. He also worked at and with agencies and consultancies such as Tribal Worldwide, Grey, Ogilvy and Tiempo BBDO.

For over 20 years, Russell has supported companies worldwide define and design human-centred products, services and experiences that align people, business and technology. Companies he has worked with include Google, YouTube, BBVA, BMW and UNICEF.

Russell began his career in the mid-nineties as a graphic designer and art director in the UK. Before joining frog, he set up his own digital creative studio, later working at several other design companies.

Event role

Expert talk

'The six-step challenge approach'

In organisations, it is common practice to measure and evaluate our work in numerical terms: reaching a goal of growth, sales increase, customer satisfaction, etc. As the role of designers increases and the problems to tackle become more complex, we are growing used to delivering hard numbers to prove that we're providing real value. The term Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) has also entered our vocabulary.

KPIs are a way to measure performance and progress. But when we start using them as objectives to be achieved or as solutions to the challenges we aim to solve, we are on the wrong track. Our work begins with a thorough analysis and a clear challenge statement. Mistakes occur when the task - the job to be done - is badly defined, poorly articulated, or wrongly approached. As a result, our effort to create desirable and sustainable changes in the behaviour of individuals, systems and organisations will be misplaced.

Most of the time, it's quite hard to find out when an innovation or transformation project has started with a wrong approach or a wrong challenge definition. Russell Effio and Marc Roca will share with you a six-step approach that has been defined and used by several design teams in the past 6 years. Making sense of problem types, their definitions, setup and relevant responses.

Friday, September 17, 11:30

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