Thomas D'hooge holds a Master's degree in Communication Sciences (Ghent University, Belgium) and is currently a lecturer at VIVES University of Applied Sciences. He teaches courses on emerging technologies and futures thinking alongside guiding and mentoring student projects.
Before joining VIVES and Erasmus Brussels University, Thomas acquired more than ten years of experience in consultancy, with a focus on digital strategy and marketing. In 2014, he founded Wonderland, one of the first agencies in Belgium focused on digital transformation. Throughout his career, Thomas' ideas and realisations have been shaped and influenced by design thinking, lean startup, creative problem-solving and trend analysis.
Having worked both in industry and academia, Thomas blends conceptual work and theories with practice-oriented thinking while striving for sustainable outcomes that can have a societal impact. Accordingly, Thomas co-founded the Belgian hub 'Teach The Future' and has gathered like-minded people from all over the globe to pursue his plan of developing a Museum of Futures.
Event role
Clinic leader
New perspectives clinic
Futures approaches can help expand perspectives on possibility, uncertainty, and change. They can underpin inclusive design approaches and bring them to bear on the present. How do we activate diverse images of the futures to ensure that we don’t just brush the surface of the potential for new forms, thoughts and processes? How can we avoid remaining stuck in business as usual? Futures and design are well suited to working together ‘en route’ to a society where creative processes activate collective imagination and new perspectives.
This clinic centres around futures awareness, making room for emotion, imagination, anticipation, foresight, purposeful action and a keen understanding of the plurality of possible futures.
Saturday, September 18, 09:15
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