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Adrià Garcia i Mateu is a designer and activist involved in projects improving the everyday life of transitions towards planetary societies. He is a founding member of Holon, a collective advancing the role of design in societal transformations. With a skill set based on strategic design, design research and service design it has a decade of experience in projects with organisations such as Interface Inc., UN Environment or La Borda SCCL.

Currently he is researching about the impact of design in societal transformations through policy design in the housing sector, with focus on housing cooperatives. Since 2010 is been involved in design education and is a founding member of EDIVI, a catalan network of centers promoting design for social innovation and sustainability.

Adrià holds a BA in Design by Eina, School of Design and Art of Barcelona. He has taken part of the EU LeNS Program in Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, and holds a MSc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability by the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'From problem solving to problem caring'

This masterclass uses two case studies in housing as practical examples of a complex problem where design is impacting societal transitions. It will be focused on emerging conversation around strategies to intervene in complex problems and the several ‘systems leverages’ tools supporting those practices. The session invites participants to explore practically ways to frame the projects and portfolio of interventions they are responsible of so to move from problem-solving to problem-caring... more>

Friday, June 14, 14:45

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