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Alexandra Negrut is a User Experience Designer at Oracle NetSuite in Barcelona, Spain. She is currently working in the field of enterprise software with a focus on merchandising and marketing. Designing for the needs of business users often means understanding complex processes and translating them into usable and enjoyable products, which she approaches from research to implementation.
Passionate about design thinking and service design, she is always looking for the next project with which to experiment and expand her toolkit. Before joining NetSuite, Alexandra has been working at Softonic, Gameloft and Ipsos. With a bachelor’s in computer science and a master in Gender Studies, in her work she combines technology and innovation in the context of society and culture. Eventually everything brings her back to the people she designs for.

Event role
Round table speaker

Round table session

'Moving mountains: embedding service design in large organisations'

How can large organisations become design-driven and embed in-house service design capabilities? What are the benefits and challenges of internal service design? This interactive session will be led by three members of the Oracle NetSuite Experience Design team.

In this session you will explore cases of starting service design centers in large organisations, including healthcare and education, with some lessons learned the hard way. The team will share how these lessons are being applied to Oracle NetSuite’s strategy to transform the business into a design-driven leader in the Cloud Business Software industry. The presentation will weave in project examples to illustrate progress and engage you in meaningful discussions about organisational culture, bridging silos, evangelising (service) design and getting buy-in from the top.

Saturday, October 6th, 12:30

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