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Delia Di Filippantonio is a service designer and UX researcher with experience across many different sectors and a passion for space. With more than seven years working as a designer in the space industry, she has been involved in researching, co-creating and developing innovative services that make use of satellite technology to solve complex challenges on earth.

Collaborating with big commercial providers, governmental organisations and not-for-profits across the world, her project work ranged from designing services that monitor environmental challenges, provide seamless communication at sea or enable better information for climate change resilience.

She is one of the co-founders and organisers of the Designers in Space Community (DiSC), an initiative that aims to involve more designers in the space industry, helping them discover the opportunities opening up within the sector. Passionate about how design thinking can be embedded in highly specialised and technical industries, her interview on the role of design in the space sector is featured in the book 'We can’t stop thinking about the future' alongside other industry representatives. Delia holds a BA in Product Design from Istituto Europeo di Design Milan, and an MA in Industrial Design from Central Saint Martins, UAL, London.

Event role
Case study speaker

Case study
'Using space to design for earth'

When someone says space technology what do you imagine? Rockets, moon landings, billionaires with more money than sense? What if you were told that space technology holds the key to unlocking environmental sustainability here on earth? We are at the forefront of a new space age in which the role of Design is more critical than ever. 

Three designers in space will highlight the power of space technology to help us all manage our long term planning, address some of the world’s most wicked challenges, and outline how we as designers can be involved to shape the future.

Friday, September 16, 11:30

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