Founder & Design Director, The Care Lab / fuelfor
László Herczeg is a designer and care activist who has been working in the area of health and care for almost two decades. In 2017, together with Lekshmy Parameswaran, he co-founded The Care Lab, a collaborative platform of activists willing to start a movement to transform Care, driving change through human-centred design practices in the health, social and education sectors. Their vision of Care is as an equitable, pro-active and compassionate experience that is widely accessible and that forms an integral part of everyday life, from birth to death.
In 2008, they co-founded fuelfor, a specialist design consultancy working with a wide variety of international players within the health and care sector.
Before starting fuelfor, László was Creative Director, Global Healthcare Team, at Philips Design. He holds a Master of Arts degree from the Academy of Arts and Design in Budapest, including study at the University of Arts and Design in Helsinki.
Event role
Masterclass leader
'Designing dementia-friendly communities'
This workshop invites you to reflect upon the question: How might we improve the daily life of people living in the city with dementia? We begin with a short empathy practice to understand what it feels like to live with different stages of dementia. We will share as inspiration a selection of the latest best practices around the world in the design of dementia-friendly environments. You will then have a chance to briefly explore a local neighbourhood and work with a tool for spotting opportunities for care... more>
Friday, June 14th, 14:45
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