United States
User Experience Designer, Koos Service Design
Chris Lueb is a User Experience Designer at Koos, the Dutch service design agency with the mission to use design to make a better world. She loves to use her research, design and coding skills to build human-centred products, services and experiences.
After multiple studies and work experiences abroad, from an 'Introduction to Engineering' at Stanford College in Palo Alto, a 'Service Design Through Experience Prototyping' certificate from the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design in London to being Interaction Designer at IDEO in San Francisco and a Social Service Designer at BlueCity in Rotterdam, Chris knows how to bring multiple disciplines and perspectives together in the design process.
If diversity is when everyone is coming to the party, inclusion is when everyone is invited to dance. Chris loves to put her heart into experiences for everyone and not just some. Her personal mission is to support fellow designers to break out of their own bubble and look at a design challenge from different perspectives; the client's, the end user's, and also keep the world in mind; both from a society and planetary perspective. Chris holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Design in Interaction Design, from California College of the Arts in San Francisco.
Event role
Masterclass leader
'Designing for a better world - the Positive Impact Framework'
In the past decade, service design has proven to be useful in tackling the significant social and environmental challenges we face as humanity. Nowadays, more and more designers and companies are shifting their focus towards generating a positive impact on the world we live in. In doing so, we often face difficult questions when designing for positive change. Who will benefit from this positive change? When is something positive? How do we as designers deal with conflicting interests? Should we design an excellent service for a user that might trigger unhealthy long-term behaviour?... more >
Friday, September 17, 15:00
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