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Jaakko Wäänänen is Founder and CEO at Hellon, one of the pioneering service design agencies in Finland. Jaakko’s background is in service innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy. He founded Hellon (formerly Diagonal) in 2009 to support organisations transform towards customer centricity, and worked for companies like Nordea Bank, Tesco, KONE, ABB, Bank of Ireland and Helsinki Airport.

Jaakko has a history in family business since a young age, and he has also been an active cofounder with a couple of startups. His passion lies in innovation, new revenue and impact creating projects, and entrepreneurial challenges such as introducing new service concepts to existing markets, and materialising opportunities in emerging markets. Jaakko is also the Founder of Plusstudio, a coworking space and community in Helsinki. The last couple of years, besides growing Hellon, Jaakko has worked obsessively in learning the secrets of AI and how to merge AI into the service design process. Jaakko has a Master´s Degree in Marketing, Corporate Law and Management at Aalto University, Helsinki.

Event role
Masterclass leader

‘Merging AI into the service design process’

Solving the right problems and offering better services and products isn’t easy. For that, we conduct ethnographic, qualitative research, to understand people’s needs and their underlying causes and context. With the amount of data in the world growing fast, data science and deep learning can offer valuable insights for service innovation and business design... more>

Friday, October 6th, 14:30

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