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Mariana Amatullo is Vice Provost, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Strategic Design and Management at Parsons, The New School. She is an experienced design strategist, award-winning educator, and practitioner-scholar. Her research and teaching bridge the art and design education and management disciplines and examine the role of a design attitude as a cognitive approach to social innovation and organisational learning. Initially trained as an art historian and curator, she has been a pioneer in developing the design for social innovation field, where she remains an active scholar globally.

Before joining The New School in 2017, Mariana co-founded and was at the helm of the social impact award-winning program Designmatters at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena. She served as the President of the Cumulus Association, the global association of art and design education and research from 2019 until 2022. During her tenure, she acted as the principal ambassador of the Association by carrying forth a disciplined process of change management and capacity building that doubled the financial reserves of the network and continued to diversify its membership globally beyond its roots in Europe.

Mariana serves on various executive and advisory boards, international juries, and committees in design and the arts. In 2022, she joined the Board of Aalto University in Finland. She is a Global Fellow with the Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) and Salzburg Global. Her latest book: Design for Social Innovation: Case Studies from Around the World presents an overview of the design field for social innovation through 45 global case studies. Her upcoming publication positions design as a leadership capability for the 21st century

Event role
Track leader

'Organising for change'

Organising for change means creating a structure within the organisation that supports resilience, adaptability, and agility. This requires creative leaders to build diverse teams that can bring a variety of perspectives to bear on complex problems, as well as to foster a culture of collaboration, open communication, and continuous learning. Knowing how to effect change is just as important as knowing what to change. Having the skills and resources to take action and implement the necessary changes is just as crucial as having a clear understanding of what needs to be done. How to structure innovation? How to engage the right people, get buy in and secure commitment? How to make real progress toward purposeful transformation? This track focuses on all of that and more.

Friday, September 15, 09:00 - 13:00

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