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Filippo Lodi is Director at global architecture firm UNStudio. He is leading UNSx, which is the studio’s innovation and experience design team that is grounded in architectural, urban and product design. This team experiments with new methodologies, technologies, processes, and materials to design solutions for the shared human experience. Filippo advocates for user-centric & systemic approaches in architecture by applying methodologies such as service design and ethnographic research to connect experience design and technology solutions to the needs of the people in built environments.

Over the last 15 years Filippo has led multidisciplinary projects across scales including building adaptive and responsive environments, using data to design for happiness, and developing products and services for connectivity within cities. He is also an innovation mentor and teacher in several accelerator programs at Rockstart. A few years ago, he joined the Rockstart AI program as a mentor to help boost startup growth by providing expert knowledge and guidance.

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