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Passionate about change management and transformation for over 20 years, Natsuko Hara has held various global leadership positions across industries and at one of the big four management consultancies. In her current role as Director of Change Management at Adidas, she has developed and defined the change management framework and serves as workstream lead for change management, communication and training in global digital and business transformations. Natsuko is also Organisational Effectiveness Leader at the firm, fostering team effectiveness and performance based on Adidas' global operating model and organisational design standards.

Prior to Adidas, Natsuko worked for almost a decade as Manager Advisory for performance improvement and organisational development at PwC. She supported the organisation in achieving its strategic goals and sustaining improvement in the long term by tackling the ever more complex challenges and issues prevalent in organisations that seek to transform themselves.

For Natsuko, the biggest challenge in times of change starts with the mindset and individual response mechanisms. When facing change in personal or business life, six essential elements need to be considered: people engagement (emotions), change impact, mindset (learning), understanding (communication), training & upskilling and adoption (the new becomes the normal). She believes the head, heart and hands must be equally addressed. Her ambition is to demystify change to reduce fear and increase confidence so individuals can pro-actively define their response to change. Her journey started years ago when she received her Master of Arts from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Event role
Track leader

'Organising for change'

Organising for change means creating a structure within the organisation that supports resilience, adaptability, and agility. This requires creative leaders to build diverse teams that can bring a variety of perspectives to bear on complex problems, as well as to foster a culture of collaboration, open communication, and continuous learning. Knowing how to effect change is just as important as knowing what to change. Having the skills and resources to take action and implement the necessary changes is just as crucial as having a clear understanding of what needs to be done. How to structure innovation? How to engage the right people, get buy in and secure commitment? How to make real progress toward purposeful transformation? This track focuses on all of that and more.

Friday, September 15, 09:00 - 13:00

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