Co-founder & CTO, Plastic Bank
Shaun Frankson is the co-founder and CTO for Plastic Bank, a social enterprise that makes plastic waste a currency to fight ocean plastic while reducing global poverty at the same time. Plastic Bank creates ethically sourced recycling ecosystems that ignite a Social Plastic revolution, uniting & enrolling humanity for local action that creates a global impact.
Shaun’s ability to strategize has taken him all over the world. He is globally recognized as a leading authority on blockchain for good and designing systems for the world’s bottom billion. He was named an Ashoka Emerging Innovator, an IBM Champion and, along with David Katz, received the Sustainia Community Award at COP21 and the United Nations Momentum for Change Award at COP23. Shaun is a social good spokesman on saving the planet through responsible consumerism. He has made appearances in the award-winning documentary A Plastic Ocean, the reality TV show Dragons’ Den, a Las Vegas billboard and countless news interviews.
Shaun’s mission is to inspire others to live a life of purpose and love every minute of it.
Event role
Case study speaker
Case study
'Fighting ocean plastic and poverty with blockchain'
As scientists predict more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050, it is obvious to think about solving this problem at a global scale, and design a one-size-fits all solution, centrally managed and executed. But how can we involve local communities and empower the world’s poorest to help in the fight against ocean plastic?
Plastic waste in our oceans is a complex, systemic issue. To harness the dynamic complexity as a generator of innovation and value creation, Plastic Bank designed a service system of blockchain-powered token rewards that monetises plastic waste and records transactions at the micro-level.
But how to change people’s behaviour and encourage local citizens to collect plastic waste and deliver it to local processing centers? How to design a reliable, honest and transparent service that offers fair payment, with life-changing rewards like schooling for their children, food or phone top-ups? How to make sure that the collected plastic is ground into pellets and sold back to manufacturers to re-use as an ethically-sourced raw material? And how to build trust by both waste collectors and manufacturers and total confidence in the service process?
Shaun will answer those questions. He will show us the journey this social startup has been taken and will reveal how Plastic Bank makes plastic waste a currency to turn off the tap to fight ocean plastic and global poverty.
Saturday, September 12, 16:00 - 16:45
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