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Piera Mattioli is an independent Service Designer currently working at Philips in parallel at Rainforest Alliance, an international NGO. Her purpose is to imagine and facilitate the co-creation of new worlds and empower and activate people to take a step, with curiosity and creativity, into new ways of living and working.

She worked as a corporate changemaker in different countries - Italy, South Africa, Argentina, and The Netherlands, fighting to design new ecosystem within and outside the organisations and leading processes of transformation. Prior to Philips, she worked at design agencies and consultancies leading ethnographic research to create awareness of customer needs, provide valuables insights to guide the decision-making process, and provide actionable advices for human-centred innovation.

While pioneering customer-centric businesses and driving the co-creation of innovative and socially impactful concepts and experiences, she travels around the world and enjoys painting collaborative murals in diverse communities. She holds a BSc in Industrial Design, and a MSc in Product Service System Design - both from Politecnico di Milano.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Navigating complexity in organisational transformation'

There is a need for a systemic and customer-centric organisational transformation approach from short-term, transactional customer interactions to long-term customer partnerships. Transformation can be defined as a deliberate journey associated with profound and radical change. It positions an organisation to move in an entirely different direction and provides a new level of effectiveness to achieve breakthrough results. Transformation is not an event and is not incremental. But how to get started? And how to navigate complexity?... more

Friday, September 16, 15:00

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