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Marc Garcia Fortuny defines himself as a professional questioner and is the co-founder of We Question Our Project, a service design consultancy based in Barcelona. He works with governments, businesses and non-profit organisations in local, regional and European projects. He helps them to improve their services - digital and face-to-face - by creating spaces where everything can be questioned and by involving users and front-line workers.

Marc holds a Postgraduate degree in Design Thinking and Innovation and an MBA by EADA Business School. He is a graphic and digital designer by education and previous professional background. He lectures Design Thinking and Service Design at Bau Design School. He’s also a visiting lecturer at several universities such as the Mondragon University (master in strategic design for products and services) and the USFQ - Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), and at the schools for civil servants from the National Government of Catalonia - Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya (EAPC).

Marc promotes service design for governments and public services by hosting the Barcelona GovJam. He is a regular speaker at events such as the Barcelona Design Week, Service Design in Government in London and the Innovation Week in Rome.

Event role
Masterclass leader


‘Diving into service ecosystems: from strategic opportunities to concrete services’

Companies can be quite complex and siloed. They may provide their services by themselves, or through a third party. Or their service can be structured as a platform of services built from several service providers, who are sometimes visible for the user, sometimes invisible. But the user of the service is still a single entity... more >


Saturday, October 7th, 14:30 pm

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