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Renatus Hoogenraad is a former ballet dancer, choreographer and theatre improviser. When he understood that theatres are essentially innovation factories with a focus on creating extraordinary human experiences, he made a radical career switch turning to the world of service innovation, becoming a passionate innovation process facilitator, coach and trainer.
From this perspective Renatus works with all types of people, groups and organisations to positively shift organisational culture and create sustainable change by developing emotional intelligence, innovation and cocreation capacities using Service Design Thinking and Applied Improvisation as central methodologies.
He is the founder of Sparks, a human centered training and consulting firm in Geneva, and a Senior Associate at WorkPlayExperience, the initiators of the Global Service Jam. Additionally, he recently started the CoCreation School together with Adam Lawrence, which aims to give change agents the necessary skills to facilitate better co-creation. He works across the globe. Renatus holds degrees in both Business Administration and Performing Arts.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Understanding moods and emotions - Introduction to emotional literacy'

As a human-centered approach, we have learned that emotions drive consumer behaviour, consumer decision making, and customer loyalty. We also understand that emotions play an important role in co-creative group work and organisational change settings. Hence in the field of service design we find many direct references to human emotions. Some examples are 'empathising', creating 'customer delight', developing an 'emotional journey map' or even the use of mood-boards... more>

Friday, June 14th, 14:45

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