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As a Program Lead at the Nairobi Studio from, the nonprofit design studio from IDEO, Celestine Njuguna works closely with both the design and partnership teams to bring projects focused on digital financial services to life while ensuring partners’ needs and project objectives are met.

Over the last years, she has built diverse experience managing projects in the education and technology spaces. She is especially passionate about projects that ensure the people she serves, especially women and youth, have access to the skills, knowledge, opportunities and resources they need to live up to their full potential.

Prior to joining, Celeste was a senior project manager at Arifu, a digital content and interactive learning platform, where she managed both local and international projects within the financial, agricultural, humanitarian, and education sectors. Celeste holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies and Community Development from Kenyatta University.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Designing solutions for the edge case'

While most of us design solutions that are accessible to most users, daily, over a million people, largely from emerging markets, and increasingly from rural or remote areas will go online for the first time. They speak multiple languages, but struggle to read or type. For most of these people, their first exposure to the digital world is through their phone.

For someone new to it, technology can be exciting and intimidating. Internet access opens the door to a world of possibility. But before you can enter, there’s a lot you need to know: How to navigate from screen to screen. What’s tappable and what’s not. What all those strange icons mean. How to find search results in a language you can read. How to stay safe. How to even begin... more >

Saturday, September 17, 15:00

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