United Kingdom
Global Service Design Director, Designit
Oli Shaw is Global Service Design Director at Designit, a strategic design firm, part of Wipro. Working globally across Designit, Oli focusses on driving 3 values: Quality, Purpose and Impact. He spends much of his time understanding how to evolve organisations into better versions of themselves through hands-on strategic design - creating new, improved and more meaningful experiences for businesses, customers and employees. Leaning into the future and exploring how technology can be used to create rich, memorable experiences and emotional connections that help shape our world is what he enjoys most.
Before working at Designit, Oli was Regional Group (Service) Design Director at Fjord, the global design and innovation consultancy, part of Accenture. Being a trans-disciplinary creative director, with almost 20 years of experience in branding, design, strategy, communications and service design, Oli worked across Europe, APAC, MART and the US with organisations including Vodafone, Nokia, Telstra, UBS, RBS, BP, Garanti/BBVA, Turkish Airlines, IsBank, Guardian Media, BSKYB, BBC, Adidas, Tesco, Coles, Panasonic and a number of start-ups. He also has had the privilege of building design studios and creative departments, growing design teams and speaking at events globally. Oli holds a degree in multimedia design at Staffordshire University.
Event role
Masterclass leader
‘Impact the world isn’t ready for’
The role design plays in business, economy, environment and culture has never been more important. Those involved in the design process are faced with both opportunity and responsibility: the opportunity to use creativity to deliver business value, and the responsibility of bringing change to the world... more >
Saturday, October 7th, 14:30 pm
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