Professor in Design, Aarhus University
Peter Gall Krogh is an academic entrepreneur trained as architect and is Professor in Design at the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University where he heads the Socio-Technical Design group. Prior to this he was professor in Design at Aarhus School of Architecture. From a foothold in physical products for interaction design his key interests are integrating services, IT and spaces and physical artefacts based on techniques for citizen engagement in development processes.
He has explored this interest designing research, educational programs and courses across art, humanities, health, business and computer science and engineering. His work is marked by a continuous effort to bridge academic, artistic, commercial and social interests; pointing to solutions that enable people to pursue desirable and profitable cultural changes both large and small-scale. His overarching approach and interest is how design may be used for knowledge production - Constructive Design Research, unpacked in the book 'Drifting by intention – four epistemological traditions in constructive design research' to be published in Spring 2020.
Peter heads the DESIS lab in Aarhus, has been a visiting professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Hong Kong PolyU School of Design, and head of Innovation at the Alexandra Institute. He currently holds a visiting professorship at Jiangnan University, School of Design.
Event role
'Designing technologies for people's empowerment'
The important moments in our lives happen in physical spaces. Physical environments and interactive technologies configure people spatially through constraints, invitations and restrictions. And thus they influence our options for social relations – our socio-spatial opportunities. This is a generally neglected impact of interactive technologies. Like architects, doctors and engineers we as designers have wide arrays of tools and methods for optimising the subject of work: mapping interactions, usability testing, cognitive walk-throughs etc. However, when designing situations, services and technologies for people’s empowerment and self-management how our design solutions are designed and used is what really matters... more >
Friday, September 11, 14:00 - 14:50
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