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Eric Wokabi holds the position of Country General Manager and Head of Business Development at Marathon XP, a consulting firm specialising in Experience Design located in Nairobi, Kenya. As a seasoned business leader, he brings a wealth of expertise in board and executive leadership as well as management to his role. Eric is recognised for his exceptional capacity to formulate visionary strategies and cultivate international brand recognition while effectively mobilising teams to achieve tangible outcomes.

Eric has an extensive background serving on various boards across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. His executive leadership skills encompass strategic planning, fostering innovation, steering transformative change, fostering partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders, enhancing business equity, and overseeing operational aspects. He boasts a proven track record of expanding customer bases and revenue streams in diverse markets, nurturing valuable business relationships to encourage successful collaborations, and delivering business solutions aligned with strategic growth objectives. Eric stands as a highly accomplished business leader and consultant, boasting a rich history of leadership and management experience.

Before joining Marathon XP, Eric co-founded multiple fintech startups and was also a co-founder of SuzieBeauty, a prominent beauty brand in Kenya. These ventures followed his extensive operational experience in the financial services sector, spanning Nairobi, Kenya, and New York, where he held positions at AIG Global Investment, Deutsche Bank, and American Express.

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