
Delivering value and being valuable

The Service Design Days 2017 focused on ’Delivering value and being valuable’. As people's lifestyles constantly evolve, it is becoming more difficult for organisations to live up to the expectations of their customers, their employees, and society as a whole. Hence, they need to deeply understand what matters most to deliver value and optimize the quality of service experiences at each and every touchpoint in the engagement with their brands.

Services are all around us. But many are not that visible, engaging or distinctive. So how to deliver value in this era? It's a critical time for a more human-centered approach, fueling the creation of services that are deeply related to their users and providers. Ultimately driving engagement and growth, a win-win situation for all parties involved.

The Service Design Days 2017 offered 10 interactive masterclasses, 6 future-focused keynotes and 8 insightful case talks. Across two days more than 250 enthusiastic attendees - strategic thinkers and doers - from over 30 different countries throughout the world shared their experiences with each other.

During the event, we became a trending topic on Twitter again. Like in 2016, over 90% of the audience rated the 2017 conference as good or excellent.

An inspiring mixture of experts

For the Service Design Days 2017 a mixed group of international experts came on stage. Their fields of expertise span across the entire range of disciplines under the Service Design umbrella and beyond. They work for agencies such as frog, Huddle, Designit, Livework, We Question Our Project, Studio INTO and Edenspiekermann. And for brands like Starbucks, Philips Lighting, Uber, Etsy, Adidas, Capital One and Google.

Many of them are associated with universities and schools, from cities such as Dundee, London, Barcelona, Southampton, Delft and Milan.