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Roberta Bianco is Managing Director at Continuum, a global innovation design consultancy. Roberta is responsible for the Milan office. She believes that innovation is the best resource for companies to grow and differentiate from competition. To help Continuum’s clients, Roberta works with them to identify the best innovation strategy drawing from her interdisciplinary background that spans management, communication and branding. For Roberta, working with European companies is a very challenging and thrilling opportunity.

Prior to joining Continuum, Roberta worked at Reputation Institute, where she led projects in the field of branding and corporate reputation for multinationals based in Italy. Previously, Roberta worked for more than 10 years at Value Partners, an international management consulting company, leading the primary and secondary research department. Roberta holds a BD in History at the Milan University.

Event role
Masterclass leader

'Dispatches from a speculative future'

Climate change, AI domination, Millennials and Z’s, Tesla in space, nanorobots, the new futurism, the new catastrophism. We’re in a state of flux. Society and businesses are expected to face an extreme change within the next years and organisations are already reshaping to follow this loop... more>

Friday, October 5th, 14:30

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